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How to fix Resova sync issues

Resova won't sync to Morty? This often works.

Andy Bauch avatar
Written by Andy Bauch
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes Resova's integration with Morty doesn't work right away. Here are some known reasons:

Trial period

During trial periods for Resova the API does not yet fuction. After your trial expires the API will begin to work.

Multi-location problems

After the Resova team clones a Resova instance the API key of the new instance sometimes doesn't work. Here's a simple fix.

1. Refresh your Resova API key

  1. Head to Settings > API Key and then click Refresh.

    1. Resova may ask you to re-authenticate.

  2. Your API Key will be updated.

🚨 Quick warning: In case you have any other Resova integrations relying on this API key, you will need to share your new key with them once done.

2. Deactivate and reactivate the Morty integration

  • Head to Integrations > Morty.

  • Deactivate the integration and hit Save.

  • Reactivate the integration and hit Save again.

    • Make sure Push Resova data to Morty App is also enabled.

Then please reach out to us so we can wire things up on our end! πŸ˜ƒ πŸ™

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